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to the Spirit world

Welcome to the Spirit World Center

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It is our mission at the Spirit World Center to educate the public about shamanism. We awaken our students to their connection with their spiritual allies and guides, and to the deep transformative forces that a shamanic life unlocks.

To connect with the spirits is a skill that all people have deep within them. It is our path to help seekers unlock their untapped abilities and enter upon a life-long path of soul healing and self-realization.

Are you a seeker or a spiritual practitioner who is looking to unlock your abilities and open up your connection with your spirit guides? Then you are in the right place!

online Programs

Shamanism for Reiki and Energy Healers

We are pleased to offer Shamanic Practices for Reiki and Energy Healers, a three-part training series for current Reiki and energy healing practitioners. With our training, you will learn key techniques to connect with your guides and bring the spiritual presences of plants, animals, and rocks into your healing sessions! When you finish the three levels of training, you will posses a rich array of shamanic techniques to accentuate your healing practice.

You will discover how to connect with the earth, prepare space with the help of local spirits of the land, establish your connection with your guardian spirit, receive messages within healing sessions, provide shamanic journeys to yourself and your clientele, extract negative attachments, send healing energy to the ancestors, recover spiritual "power", and more!

Each level consists of two 3-hour group training sessions, one 1-hour one-on-one session to attune you with the healing power of your guides, and a 50 page training manual!

This training is open to all Reiki practitioners, sound healers, and energy healers who have already received accreditation within their primary healing modality (from any legitimate source).

This is a transformative program that will attune you to the healing guidance and power of your spirit guides, and change how you experience your connection with nature, the Earth, and the wonderful spiritual ecosystem that surrounds us!

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Our Shamanic Apprenticeship Program provides you with the tools to achieve self-realization, healing, and awakened living. Shamanism is way of life, through which you can find inner peace, master your emotions, set strong boundaries, heal past soul trauma, and overcome any self-sabotage or blockages that are in the way on your journey to self-mastery. By walking the shamanic path you will become empowered and connected with the universe, nature, your ancestors, and your spirit guides.

We lead you step-by-step through the process of soul healing and awaken you to a way of life that will transform you in ways you can't even imagine! In the process you will unlock dormant abilities and discover your true spiritual power. You will be empowered to live to your fullest potential, and learn how to bring the blessings of this path to others.


We developed our Spirit Communication Program specifically for "spiritual practitioners". It is well suited for professionals of all backgrounds, including Reiki practitioners, Tarot readers, sound healers, yoga teachers, and more.


You will discover spirit-guided techniques for empowering your professional services, harmonizing your spirit, improving yourself as a practitioner, opening your intuitive channel, and connecting with your guides!


You will develop skills for connecting with the direct help and guidance of your spiritual team, the spiritual ecosystem that surrounds you, and your higher self.

You will learn how to cut through personal and professional blockages with the help of the spirits, and emerge as a more empowered and enlightened version of yourself, capable of incredible things! You can think of this program as a "supplement" to your current practice.

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Shamanism and
Spirit Communication

Our approach to shamanism and spirit communication can be characterized as "Full Spectrum", because we teach you how to work with the spirits in ALL WAYS, not just through shamanic journeying. This approach is composed of three sets of techniques, or "Three Pillars".

While many practices of spirit communication and shamanism focus solely on one pillar,  we find that by engaging in all three a “multiplier effect” is achieved. The three pillars are like the legs of a tripod. They are stronger when they are all supporting each other. ​ We teach you to use the Three Pillars in a practical and hands-on way.

The first pillar is Spiritual Receptivity. This pillar pertains to all things having to do with intuition, divination, mediumship, and channeling. With these techniques we tune in and listen to messages broadcast to us from the spirits. With this pillar, we let "them come to us".

By contrast, the second pillar of Shamanic Journeying (or trance journeying) sends us outwards to the Spirit World. With this ancient and universal ability, the practitioner enters trance and sends their consciousness to the realms of spirit. This technique has many other names and variations, such as astral traveling and lucid dreaming. With this pillar, "we go to them".

Finally, Spirit Work (the most often overlooked aspect of spirit communication) is all about relationship building. With this pillar we invite the spirits to join us here in the Physical World through sacred ceremonies and offerings. We empower our guides and allies, creating powerful alliances, friendships, and working relationships.

By combining the Three Pillars, we arrive at a truly wonderful and empowered shamanic practice. With this approach, you will make a deep connection with your guides and embark on a path of radical self-transformation and soul healing.


Free Consultation

Join us on Zoom and discover if we're the right fit for your path! This free session is a great way to get to know each other, find out about our programs, and learn how we can support your spiritual growth. Sessions usually last around 30 minutes. Can't wait to meet you!



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You can also check out our podcast! The Spirit World Center Podcast initially began as a means to publish Q&A sessions for our students. But it has since blossomed into a program that reaches a much broader audience worldwide.

On our ongoing Spirit Talk series, Eric and Laova discuss the many benefits of working with shamanism and the spirits. Drawing from first-hand experience and ongoing research, they delve into the many possibilities that emerge from reaching out to one's guides.

We also feature interviews with leading experts in the field of shamanism, mediumship, and esoteric research, sharing their firsthand experiences and insights. Join us as we delve into their captivating stories!

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